The ecological spiritual movement emerging on the planet is an evolution of an ancient way of living
in sacred relationship with one's body and soul, other humans, the planet and beyond.
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The sacredness of all species and the capacity for sacred communication among species

The ecological spiritual movement emerging on the planet is not a new one. It is an evolution of an ancient way of living in deep resonance and communication with one’s body and soul, other humans, other species, the planet and beyond.
What if the purpose of human beings is to cultivate the health and vitality of life on the planet and contribute to the evolution of love and life as it manifests in mutually enriching diversity? Flourishing life on the planet for the most part emerges from loving engagement among diverse aspects of creation. It therefore seems self-evident that the divine resides not only in the masculine and/or feminine divine essences but also in the essence of the sacred, loving, honoring and creative relationship between them. It is this consciousness of sacred relationship with each other and with all of creation that is emerging as a compass for vibrant spiritual movements across the world dedicated to the healing and replenishment of the planet and all its inhabitants.

A gallery of insightful social commentary about our relationship spirituality and religion taken from social media and shared on our Just Sayin' page together with posters about others sectors of society.
A book received and written in meditation in Jerusalem on the 25th of December 2013, that reveals a profoundly challenging perspective of human consciousness and its evolution.

A gallery of posters on Peace.
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Thank You Elements
Religions for Peace New Faiths for Earth Campaign